Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. Whether you want this gorgeous roses hate box arrangement to say "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy Any Day", you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it.
beautiful roses bring that traditional yet modern feel to this flower arrangement.
the red roses, pink roses, orchid and stock sure now how to bring that wow factor.
One of our most popular ranges being in our hat box’s they are sure to brighten anyone’s day!!
Low maintenance as you leave flowers in the hat box and just add water every 2 days.
Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.
please note the bear mIght vary depending on what’s in stock
classic (Pictured Price)